Nothing is more precious than tying the knots with a person you loved most after crossing all the barriers. A wedding is not just a function or an ordinary relationship but the fulfilment of a promise, a new beginning, and more than a blessing. Therefore, a wedding function requires special arrangements to make this occasion memorable.
Arranging a wedding function is quite different from other functions such as a conference or a business meeting. The reason is that it involves pure emotions, unlike any other function. Therefore, arranging a wedding function perfectly is more than a challenge.
All the steps of a wedding planner from the selection of the Banqueting Suite to the dresses of the bride and groom are quite hectic and need special attention.
People hire professional event organizers or wedding planners to make each and everything perfect and elegant. However, hiring professional wedding planning services cost a heavy amount. Some major challenges of a wedding plan are:
Budget and Expense Tracking
No wonder weddings are a highly expensive event in anyone’s life. And it’s quite hard to take an eye on all the expenses. Therefore, in planning a wedding the most crucial aspect is to keep the expenses within your budget. But unfortunately, it’s rarely possible while in all other cases planning a wedding is always going over the budget.
From engagement to the wedding the entire period is massive use of money. Moreover, keeping a record of everything and the money is spent is stressful. Creating a spreadsheet with various categories is the best choice to keep all the expenses recorded in one place.
Number of Guests & Seating Arrangement
A traditional wedding is also an opportunity to meet up with all the cousins and relatives. However, it’s going heavy on the budget. Estimating the exact number of guests is also a major challenge while planning a wedding. No matter how broadly you make the list of guests their numbers always exceed the estimated one. This method is also concerned with another problem which is the seating plan.
It is quite hard to set a seating plan when you don’t know the exact number of guests. Estimation of the Number of guests also impacts other factors such as meal and sleeping arrangements.

Imposed Decisions
Along with all the major problems in the planning of a wedding the hurry to make a decision is also included. During shopping, skincare, and other management, everyone tries to impose their decision which causes a confusing situation for the bride or the groom. Especially when buying the wedding dress everyone compliments like woo, perfect and insists on buying.
This type of behaviour and the strange nature of relatives imposing their decision over the groom or bride enhance the stress and they decide in hurry. Don’t do this. You only got one chance in a lifetime to dress up like a bride or groom. Therefore, don’t waste this opportunity for others and make sure you are satisfied and take the decision from your heart.
Vendor and Venue Selection
The major challenge of planning a wedding is the selection of a venue and vendors. Both factors play a vital role to make the event memorable whether in good or bad manners. A vendor that can understand your requirements and deliver perfectly is the best choice. But it’s quite hard to find such a type of vendor from a lot of options.
The next dilemma in planning a wedding is the selection of a venue. Every couple desires to select a venue that is perfectly suited to their nature and culture. A venue with all the desired qualities and on a reasonable budget is a tough job. Moreover, all the venue companies prefer booking and payments. Therefore, there’s also a chance of scams.
Trusting a well-reputed venue provider services such as Halal Wedding Venues is the best way to avoid scammers. Mostly venue management services also serve as meals management companies too.
Wedding venue websites are the best way to check the credibility and market value of a venue.
Final Thought
Planning a wedding is not easy. There are many challenges in the way to make this event outstanding and memorable. However, all these challenges are also a sort of joy and memories to cherish with your partner forever.