How To Decorate Your Kitchen & Give It A Character

Want to find excellent ways to decorate your kitchen?

Do you love cooking but do not like the way your kitchen presents itself every time you enter? Then you have reached the right place.

Add more character and a touch of your personality to the kitchen with the help of this expert decorative advice given underneath.

Decorating Your Kitchen

Here is how you can decorate your kitchen with minimum cost but maximum aesthetic. If the kitchen is the heart of the house, then yours will be pumping compliments each time someone enters this paradise!

1. A Cabinet Of Cutlery

If you wish to add character to your kitchen, add a cabinet of cutlery of your taste. One can tell a lot about the owner by the cutlery they use.

– Is it vintage grandmother style?

– Luxurious china.

– Or shiny copper.

You can use this cabinet to decorate your plates and tea cutleries. The kind that you do not use every day, but something just meant for the guest (who never arrives). So, rather than keeping these precious products cooped inside a cupboard, why not use them as marvelous decor pieces?

Plus, this is a great way to eliminate negative spaces if you have a huge kitchen and do not know what to do with the four walls.

2. Good Lighting

Good lighting can do wonders to any space. Rather than having the generic work light that you most probably see everywhere, you can go for accent lighting. In the pages of the architectural digest, you will find beam lighting right over your kitchen island.

Self and cabinet lighting give the kitchen a phenomenal look at night. Some even experiment with beautiful glass lighting right on top of the cooking stove.

You can get an interior decorator or take help from high-end software like planner 5D, which allows you to get a virtual representation of any room. Then you simply decorate that room virtually before placing anything physically. This saves a lot of money, as you do not waste on unnecessary items.

You can download this software for free from Pirate Bay.

3. Kitchen Table

If you do not have an island in your kitchen, and you have always wanted one, then do not worry! We might have a solution for that!

Get a small kitchen table for yourself. You can get them cheap or even thrift them in your local thrift store. Not only is it a great place for you to have your daily morning coffee and welcome the day.

If you are still working from home, this is a great place to work when you are tired of your workspace. Have a date? Plan it around the kitchen table, decorate it, and make it cozy and romantic.

4. Miscellaneous Items

Your kitchen is not just a place for cutleries and cooking ingredients. If you have extra spaces and do not know what to do, you can add miscellaneous items. This would include

– Valances around open cabinets.

– Flower vases.

– Photo frames.

– Arts.

– Seasonal decorations.

– Plants.

– Fruit Bowls.

Yes, all these items are planned perfectly and then placed. So, whenever you see another video of a celebrity kitchen in an Architectural Digest video, remember nothing is accidental.

Also read: The Purpose of a Basement

5. Glass Everything

If you are obsessed with a little shine and bling, then add glass items all around the kitchen. We are talking about glass vases, glass jars for spring, spices, cereals, and even dried fruits.

If you have good accent lighting in your kitchen, the reflection of the glass in that mild yellow light will give your kitchen a modern artsy touch.

If you want to go all the way, then you can even have glass for your cabinets and ditch the wood.

Pick A Theme!

If you are still confused about what to add to your kitchen, then pick a theme. This will give you a chuckle-out idea about the lighting, colors, and utensils you can use.

For example, if you are going for a more vintage rustic look, use wooden contact paper and stone cabinet walls.

Yes, you can mix and match but be careful and do not go overboard.

How To Decorate Your Kitchen & Give It A Character

Want to find excellent ways to decorate your kitchen?

Do you love cooking but do not like the way your kitchen presents itself every time you enter? Then you have reached the right place.

Add more character and a touch of your personality to the kitchen with the help of this expert decorative advice given underneath.

Decorating Your Kitchen

Here is how you can decorate your kitchen with minimum cost but maximum aesthetic. If the kitchen is the heart of the house, then yours will be pumping compliments each time someone enters this paradise!

1. A Cabinet Of Cutlery

If you wish to add character to your kitchen, add a cabinet of cutlery of your taste. One can tell a lot about the owner by the cutlery they use.

– Is it vintage grandmother style?

– Luxurious china.

– Or shiny copper.

You can use this cabinet to decorate your plates and tea cutleries. The kind that you do not use every day, but something just meant for the guest (who never arrives). So, rather than keeping these precious products cooped inside a cupboard, why not use them as marvelous decor pieces?

Plus, this is a great way to eliminate negative spaces if you have a huge kitchen and do not know what to do with the four walls.

2. Good Lighting

Good lighting can do wonders to any space. Rather than having the generic work light that you most probably see everywhere, you can go for accent lighting. In the pages of the architectural digest, you will find beam lighting right over your kitchen island.

Self and cabinet lighting give the kitchen a phenomenal look at night. Some even experiment with beautiful glass lighting right on top of the cooking stove.

You can get an interior decorator or take help from high-end software like planner 5D, which allows you to get a virtual representation of any room. Then you simply decorate that room virtually before placing anything physically. This saves a lot of money, as you do not waste on unnecessary items.

You can download this software for free from Pirate Bay.

3. Kitchen Table

If you do not have an island in your kitchen, and you have always wanted one, then do not worry! We might have a solution for that!

Get a small kitchen table for yourself. You can get them cheap or even thrift them in your local thrift store. Not only is it a great place for you to have your daily morning coffee and welcome the day.

If you are still working from home, this is a great place to work when you are tired of your workspace. Have a date? Plan it around the kitchen table, decorate it, and make it cozy and romantic.

4. Miscellaneous Items

Your kitchen is not just a place for cutleries and cooking ingredients. If you have extra spaces and do not know what to do, you can add miscellaneous items. This would include

– Valances around open cabinets.

– Flower vases.

– Photo frames.

– Arts.

– Seasonal decorations.

– Plants.

– Fruit Bowls.

Yes, all these items are planned perfectly and then placed. So, whenever you see another video of a celebrity kitchen in an Architectural Digest video, remember nothing is accidental.

5. Glass Everything

If you are obsessed with a little shine and bling, then add glass items all around the kitchen. We are talking about glass vases, glass jars for spring, spices, cereals, and even dried fruits.

If you have good accent lighting in your kitchen, the reflection of the glass in that mild yellow light will give your kitchen a modern artsy touch.

If you want to go all the way, then you can even have glass for your cabinets and ditch the wood.

Pick A Theme!

If you are still confused about what to add to your kitchen, then pick a theme. This will give you a chuckle-out idea about the lighting, colors, and utensils you can use.

For example, if you are going for a more vintage rustic look, use wooden contact paper and stone cabinet walls.

Yes, you can mix and match but be careful and do not go overboard.

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