Classroom management strategies for improving student focus

Managing a classroom is never an easy task which is why professional teachers are always on the lookout to pursue different courses which train them according to the behavioral pattern of the present generation of students. The pandemic kids are very different from the ones who have always attended only traditional classes, which is why managing a classroom that is following hybrid systems is far more complicated. Teachers are benefiting from their school management because it gives them the resources for training, learning, and gaining experience.

Role of ERP

The ERP full form is enterprise resource planning, every company or institution has one. It is that part of an organization or institution which is responsible for forming guidelines, setting rules, creating and assigning departments, and coordinating all the work. 

The ERP of an educational institution has a lot to do with classroom management because teachers follow the guidelines set by them. As long as the enterprise resource planning is efficiently setting rules, and goals, and providing resources, the everyday functioning of the institution is supposed to carry on smoothly. With the change of times, the strategies for managing a classroom have also changed, and hence the ERP keeps suggesting new forms. 

For example, the use of a learning management system is the new normal, and students no longer have to use social media or any other websites so institutions LMS is a one-stop solution for all. Previously such a system might not have been included in the guideline provided by an ERP, but as the demand increases the guidelines change.

Importance of student focus

Students need to remain extremely focused in all the classes, and not only the revision ones before exams. Teachers elaborately explain, provide resources, and give practical examples while teaching in everyday classes from the beginning of the session. This elaborate form of explanation will not be possible to give before an examination, and only the necessary topics will be re-explained at the request of students. Although these forms of explanations can be reviewed once again over a learning management system in the recorded version, there is nothing that compares to a live class.

The leniency and convenience provided by a learning management system should not be the reason why students slack off. Online education has somewhat disrupted the focus of students since looking at a screen is not an adapted form of learning. Now that they have started to come back to school, teachers need efficient classroom strategies to grab their attention. With some extra effort at present, they can relieve the pressure later once they get used to focusing as directed. The hard work of today’s classes will pay off for the challenges of future classes.

Attention grabbing strategies

Formulate rules

A student will not pay attention if they are not required to, and aren’t under the strict supervision of a teacher. Hence, every educator should set a goal for the session for everyday classes, and practice disciplining students by making them focus on what they teach as a matter of fact. When children know what is expected of them, they try to follow it most of the time.

Give breaks

Some students might not be paying attention because they are bored overworked and exhausted. Besides the regular breaks in between different subject classes, they can have a 5-minute short mental break time.

Include humor

Humor is the best form of grabbing the attention of a student, where they might focus on what the teacher is talking about for a small period and then maintain their attention as the teacher keeps to important subject-related topics.

Warm up before sessions

Warming up means revising the portions that were discussed in the previous class. although teachers recommend reading and revising the subject before they join the class, so that they can understand the continuation of the same route of information, most students either prefer not doing it since they are lazy or assume that they have already understood everything and don’t have a reason to revise. To avoid the problem of them forgetting the topic and not focusing on it because it seems difficult, teachers can have a warmup session for five to 10 minutes where previous concepts are discussed in short to simplify the continuation of sessions.

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Go off topic

Going off topic at times helps students to refocus on the important portions again because they have a mental break from all the challenging and difficult topics being discussed in a classroom.

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